By Dan Vidal A patient of mine began suferring from chronic knee pain several years ago after a rigorous hike in the mountains. The next day she was in excruciating pain. Soon after she was diagnosed with CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome) and scheduled for...
By Dan Vidal A client came in the other day complaining of pain in her left hip, as well as tightness down the side of her thigh and up into her low back. She’s been dealing with this pain for years now, and has seen several specialists, none of whom were able to...
By Dan Vidal Yesterday I saw a young woman at the clinic for her initial treatment session. She had been suffering from chronic neck pain for the past 4 years. She had no idea what had triggered it or what might be causing it. She had been treated by chiropractors and...
By Dan Vidal I just saw a post from Webmd stating that for every pound of weight you lose, you relieve 4 pounds of pressure from your joints.While this is technically true, the implication here is that issues like joint degeneration, chronic pain and inflammation are...
By Dan Vidal The Arndt-Schultz Law is one of the fundamental principles of Neurosomatic Therapy. It states that weak stimuli excite physiological activity, moderate stimuli favor it, and strong stimuli arrest it.This means that you can’t just dig into those tight...
By Dan Vidal I’d like to announce that we will be offering in-person therapy sessions again starting Monday 4/27!I have checked with the governor’s office, and as a healthcare practitioner and pain treatment specialist, we are officially considered a “life-sustaining”...
By Dan Vidal This is a nice little write-up on me and my family that appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer. Check it out!
By Dan Vidal In this video I’ll be teaching you the basic concepts you need to know in order to properly perform myofascial release techniques on yourself.
By Dan Vidal Head forward posture? Tinnitus? Balance issues? Sleep disordered breathing? If you said yes to any of the above, then this treatment is probably for you. The suprahyoid muscles form the floor of your mouth, and while they don’t directly influence the...